4101 Basic knowledge of cold rolling forming machine - China Roll Forming Machine, Steel Water Tank Machine, Steel Silo Rollformer, Suppliers, Manufacturers, Factory - J&R

Basic knowledge of cold rolling forming machine

Cold rolling forming machine is characterized by small Moment of inertia of roll, compact structure, and can be adjusted in a wide range. The cold rolling forming machine is composed of a main transmission device and two driven transmission hydraulic support frames. The main function of the cold rolling forming machine is to continuously anneal and homogenize the strip steel.
Cold rolling forming machine is a complex component product that continuously extrudes strip material and converts it into various shapes such as plates and pipes. Cold rolling forming machine is generally used to produce Hot working equipment for conventional or special steel products such as metal sheet, profile, wire and heterosexual materials. At present, there are two main types of cold rolling mills used in China: one is the ordinary uncoiling hydraulic cooling (referred to as "uncoiling") cooling bed; The other type is composed of a single independent roller combination driven synchronously by multiple sets of roller systems, which can be divided into two major systems: uncoiling without a core and uncoiling without a core. The cold rolling forming machines produced by our company are widely used in fields such as automobiles, motorcycle accessories, air conditioner shells, building decorations, agricultural machinery, etc.