2041 The working principle and technical characteristics of corrugated roller forming machine - China Roll Forming Machine, Steel Water Tank Machine, Steel Silo Rollformer, Suppliers, Manufacturers, Factory - J&R

The working principle and technical characteristics of corrugated roller forming machine


In the production process of corrugated cardboard, the corrugated roller forming machine is the core equipment, and its role cannot be ignored. This article will introduce in detail the working principle, technical characteristics, and precautions during use of the corrugated roller forming machine, hoping to help everyone better understand this equipment.


The corrugating roller forming machine mainly relies on the rotation of the corrugating roller and the bottom roller to press the adhesive-coated web paper into single-sided or double-sided corrugated paper. Among them, the convex part on the surface of the corrugating roller can form a continuous corrugated shape, and the bottom roller plays the role of smoothing and tightening.


Technical features

1. High-precision manufacturing: In order to ensure precise control of the thickness and shape of cardboard, the corrugating roller forming machine requires extremely high manufacturing accuracy.

2. Good thermal conductivity: Since heating is required during the production of corrugated cardboard, the material of the corrugated roller forming machine needs to have good thermal conductivity to ensure that the heat can be evenly distributed.

3. Wear resistance: Due to long-term use, the surface of the corrugated roller forming machine will be worn, so its material also needs to have good wear resistance.


1. Regular inspection: In order to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, it is necessary to regularly check whether the parameters of the corrugated roller forming machine are normal.

2. Reasonable adjustment: Reasonably adjust various parameters of the corrugated roller forming machine, such as temperature, pressure, speed, etc., according to production needs.

3. Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance on the equipment to keep the equipment clean and lubricated and extend the service life of the equipment.


Corrugating roller forming machine is an indispensable and important equipment in the production process of corrugated cardboard. Only by deeply understanding its working principle, technical characteristics and precautions during use can it better play its role and improve production efficiency and quality.