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Working principle of purlin rolling forming machine


The working principle of purlin rolling molding machine is mainly based on the pressure and molding principle, through a series of mechanical movements, the raw materials into the desired shape and size.

First, the raw material is sent into the machine, through a series of cuts and adjustments to adapt it to the subsequent molding process. Then, the molding part begins to work. The molding head of the machine moves according to the preset model, applying pressure on the raw material to make it deform and gradually fit into the model. In this process, the purlin rolling molding machine can accurately control the pressure and temperature to ensure a uniform and stable deformation.

With the continuous pressure of the forming head, the raw materials gradually fit the model and finally complete the molding process. At this point, the formed parts also need to pass quality testing to ensure that their shape, size and appearance meet the requirements. Unqualified parts are removed, and qualified parts are sent out from the machine to complete the whole process.

The advantages of the purlin rolling molding machine lies in its high efficiency, precision and automation. The machine can work continuously, greatly improving the production efficiency. At the same time, due to its precise control and molding technology, it can ensure the quality and stability of each part. This not only reduces labor costs, but also improves product quality and reliability.